The Promise of Trusting Prayer

Phil. 4:6-7


Anxiety is a lack of peace, experienced physically, spiritually or mentally. They usually stem from trials, which may be either real or imaginary. The carnal person deals with it alone or may reach out to human institutions for comfort. He may strenuously work it out or may never at all. But the Christian does not need to struggle. He or she simply leaves a trial in the hands of a trusting God.  


The call to stop worrying comes from the Apostle Paul. He is not denying the agony and sorrow of human experiences. His letters show that he suffered his share of the worst. But they also teach us how he dealt with them. If he worried, prayer would be driven out; if he prayed, worrying would be driven out. His message is: stop worrying, speak to God, speak with urgency, state your case, and express gratitude for He “will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” 


Are you going through a difficult trial? Transfer ownership of the situation to God. He will not allow the righteous to be moved. Never trust your ability to manipulate the crisis to work out for good; that is God’s job. Be willing for Him to work it out any way He chooses. Let go of your will and let your heart and your mind be at peace.