College Students
College students are an important part of our congregation and we welcome students from all Charlotte area colleges and universities.
Do you need a ride to church? Call us at (704) 895-1155 or email send email to admin@lakenormancoc.org
Women face many difficult issues in our society today. Pressures from often-conflicting roles can begin to take their toll. We believe God has clear instructions in His Word addressing the various roles in which women are engaged: wife, mother and career person, etc. Our women’s ministry works in a variety of ways to encourage and enable ladies of all ages to fulfill their roles in a godly manner.
We believe it helps to have someone walk beside you on your journey. We do this through weekly Bible studies, special events, and service projects. Our #1 goal is to get women in God’s Word. We would love for you to join us!

- Ladies bible class: Each Wednesday morning at 10:00am women meet to encourage one another through Bible study, prayer and sharing with each other.
- Ladies’ Day and Retreats: Ladies often visit neighboring churches of Christ in order to encourage and support ladies of other communities during their walk with Christ.
- Meal Ministry: We minister to each other when families celebrate a new birth, lose a loved one, or have illness or hospitalization.
- Service Projects: Ladies participate in a number of services for our members and local community including meals, care packages for college students, ministering to widows, card ministry, etc.
- Fellowship: We love to get together and have a great time whatever the occasion: bridal shower, baby shower, game night, or just because!

Senior Adults
The OWLS (Older, Wiser, Loving Saints) are Lake Norman Church members who are “empty nesters”. They participate in activities planned especially for them as well as Bible studies and service projects.
Many of our OWLS have retired and moved into the area. They are seeking new friendships and ways to use their many talents in a new place. The OWLS group provides new friends and fellowship as well as an opportunity to share their skills with the church body.
Some of our recent activities:
- Card Ministry
- Trips to mountains
- “Tacky” Dress-up party with another congregation
- Christmas Lights bus tour
- Dinner Theater
- Game Night
- Fellowship time
Contact Dennis McCurry at mccurryfamily@yahoo.com for more info.